Definition of Slide rule

1. Noun. Analog computer consisting of a handheld instrument used for rapid calculations; have been replaced by pocket calculators.

Exact synonyms: Slipstick
Generic synonyms: Analog Computer, Analogue Computer

Definition of Slide rule

1. Noun. An analog calculator consisting of three interlocking strips marked with logarithmic scales, such that multiplication, division etc. can be performed by the equivalent of addition and subtraction. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Slide Rule

slide action
slide by
slide down
slide fastener
slide guitar
slide guitars
slide micrometer
slide off
slide projector
slide rule
slide rules
slide show
slide tackle
slide tackles
slide valve
slide whistle

Literary usage of Slide rule

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. Journal by Iron and Steel Institute (1892)
"The principle on which the slide-rule is constructed is that of hiving a scale for each base, basic material and acid, so divided that any given length or ..."

2. Graphical and Mechanical Computation by Joseph Lipka (1918)
"The logarithmic slide rule.* —This instrument consists of several ... Oughtred invented the straight logarithmic slide rule, consisting of two rulers each ..."

3. Graphical and Mechanical Computation by Joseph Lipka (1918)
"The logarithmic slide rule.* —This instrument consists of several ... Oughtred invented the straight logarithmic slide rule, consisting of two rulers each ..."

4. Plane and Spherical Trigonometry by Arthur Graham Hall, Fred Goodrich Frink (1910)
"The slide rule. The principles of logarithmic computation are conveniently illustrated by means of the slide rule, now widely used in performing ..."

5. The Theory and Practice of Surveying: Designed for the Use of Surveyors and by John Butler Johnson (1900)
"THE POCKET slide rule.* 156,1. The slide rule in some of its various forms is by far the most easy and rapid means of carrying on computations by ..."

6. The Theory and Practice of Surveying: Designed for the Use of Surveyors and by John Butler Johnson (1904)
"THE POCKET slide rule.* 156,1. The slide rule in some of its various forms is by far the most easy and rapid means of carrying on computations by ..."

7. The Theory and Practice of Surveying: Designed for the Use of Surveyors and by John Butler Johnson (1900)
"THE POCKET slide rule.* 1563. The slide rule in some of its various forms is by far the most easy and rapid means of carrying on computations by ..."

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